17 WEEKLY lessons — A Transformational
Fashion/ Style Figure Drawing ONLINE PROGRAM
You love fashion, you want to create beautiful images and art, and YOU “CAN’T DRAW”.
My dear love, you haven’t had a chance!
Probably, you haven’t had the support to get confident with figure drawing.
You may even have been discouraged by someone who traumatized you!
Or, maybe haven’t ever had any guidance or personal space to really unfold this way.
You recognize beauty, you feel it, it lives and breathes inside you
and it feels like an accident that you can’t access it to make your own creations.
But hon, you can.
You need to start where you’re at.
Never drawn before?
You’re in good hands.
I was someone who “doodled” shapes her whole life
and couldn’t “draw” things that I wanted to, like realistic things or anything.
You’ll get 13 unique new drawing exercises
Try each one.
Each exercise will teach you a “tool” and way of working that will change the way you see, draw, think, and use art supplies.
I guarantee you will learn to see and draw in new ways and find yourself at a whole other level drawing figures.
And I’ll be there in the course area answering your questions and helping you get the results you want.
You’ve been feeling hopelessly stuck about this, but
There’s hope:
1) the human form is one of the single most inspiring and beautiful expressive things you can possibly draw
2) this tremendous amount of inspiration fuels your desire to progress and get real results
3) once you have gotten a handle on the human form, you’ll be able to draw ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING with more ease and accuracy!
4) through learning figure drawing, you are really learning all kinds of drawing
5)you’ll learn how artists and designers see their art supplies and process, which is probably different than you’ve been seeing it
6) you’ll change the way you see yourself in relation to art and design
7) you’ll change your beliefs about how art is made
8) you’ll get new insights and exercises EVERY SINGLE DAY for one week
And fashion drawing is about feeling, style and skill, it is NOT about distorting the body to have extra-long-everything.
It’s about line, proportion, dynamics, composition, form, shadow, texture, light, feeling, movement, ideas, structure, angles, curves………
Are those words even frightening?
I’m saying that because I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!
So join us for bite sized exercises— two weeks of emails to become EXPERIENCED
To make your discoveries
And shine.
***THIS COURSE will focus on figure drawing leotard models and drawing exercises, not focusing on details in the clothing***
I think getting to know the figure well first is crucial and transformative.
See, figure drawing not only helps you with fashion because it’s bodies..
But figure drawing also helps because it’s a time and a place to explore and work out your ideas.
Because playing with your supplies and developing your eye and point of view happen every time you do it.
I’ve been teaching for 20 years and I KNOW you have this in you.
Q: what’s the format?
Sign up in the Ruzuku totally secure online course hosting platform. Content will drip out week by week.
Q: Do I need any supplies?
Actually, simple pencil and paper can take you through the course, but i will also be using and recommending other tools you can add to your kit, so you can see what they can do. You can decide for yourself. . Even if you don’t have them yet or never get them, you’ll get the IDEA by seeing them in action and you can still use your pencil to do every exercise.
Q: What’s the refund policy?
I don’t offer refunds for digital courses, but nobody has ever asked me for one.
You will be getting killer content from day one and far outweigh this investment. You’ll be learning top level art and design techniques for a lifetime of use, as well as taking bold strides that will deeply change the way you draw and approach art.
Start today!
THE POINT IS TO MAKE A TON OF SKETCHES and try new ways of seeing and sketching!!!!!
YOUR skills, your journey, and your experience.
(model drawing video, croquis templates and design prompt workbook PDF)
Learn more here

(>>>>here is the livestream replay link!
Subscribe here on the website to get free creative fashion design tools AND be the first to know when I reopen the doors later this year!
(For resources, articles and freebies, browse the BLOG at
Are you eager to change the way you look at things, try new tools and approaches,
explore, discover, and express yourself in art and fashion???
Did you always think you “couldn’t draw” but knew that you wanted to?
Would that bring you a n amazing sense of confidence and satisfaction?
Is it something you always dreamed of?
Do you look at art or other creators and artists and feel a deep desire and knowing
that you could bring incredible images to life if you had guidance and support?
That’s why I’ve created this course..
I only recently stumbled upon fashion illustration apps myself,
so I can just imagine what you are feeling when you think about how to get started.
We love the expression of fashion illustration,
but if we create a sketch and we don’t like the face, then ….we don’t like the whole sketch!
This course is for beginners to advanced lovers of fashion and design.
Let’s find and bring out your voice and your skills in art and fashion.
The more you work with faces, the more you’ll want to work with faces.
It just gets deeper and more expressive all the time.
When you focus on faces in this course–
You’ll find you get better and better and more comfortable,
as the concepts settle into your mind and body, and the approach settles into your heart.
in these apps, you’ll explore markers, pencils, watercolors, textured and colored papers, chalks and crayons, colored pencils, acrylics, brush pens, paintbrushes, fineline pens, textures and more. ……
Let’s focus on how to build:
so you can create impressionistic or realistic fashion illustrations.
GET THESE IPAD/ TABLET drawing techniques:
learn my 3 favorite digital painting apps ( I researched so many and tested them!!!) for fashion illustration
explore the tools that most apps have in common
learn the strengths and weaknesses of each app from experience
learn the special capabilities in each app
discover your favorite apps for fashion illustration
discover your favorite tools and develop your style
access a totally portable, totally extensive pro art kit
markers, watercolors, acrylics, inks, airbrush, pencils, fineline pens , collage tools, and more
watermarking and branding
social sharing
on your schedule
pace yourself the way that feels right
Lifetime access
Let’s use the face as a vehicle to also explore some great simple yet elegant, w o n d e r f u l drawing apps that you can use right in your iPad, Android, tablet, or iPad mini. They’re cheap, elegant and versatile and I used them to create the images you see on this page.
Receive 4 content rich modules, each with an hour of video, demonstrations, and exercises- your signup gives you lifetime access to your course materials and community!