JUNE 20-21-22, 2017  Plus Size Fashion Drawing Workshop- online livestream and community private group with 4 week access to replays and feedback 


ONE OF THE reasons I founded Fashion Illustraton Tribe was because I couldn’t believe that the top schools were still teaching distorted body image to the students as a standard or a norm.

Even though fashion “DESIGN” illustration by definition is a sketch done to scale, to make something real.

Body positivity, for me, is everything.

As a student, i was taught to create proportions that even the tallest, skinniest models couldn’t acheive!!


And, technically speaking, any human is plus size in the fashion drawing idiom, because the “9 Heads” culture is physically unachievable by real humans. PLus size fashion is diverse and inclusive of many different shapes, styles of fashion and proportions.

That was just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG in the ways that my fashion education didn’t serve me as a WOMAN.

Another reason why I founded Fashion Illustration Tribe was I didn’t want to see women apologizing for their family responsibilities, I didn’t want to see them apologizing for ANYTHING. The way I saw it, I was there to serve THEM. That’s what I think empowering education is about.

I founded FashionIllustrationTRIBE because I love what I do and I wanted to reach people who couldn’t make it to NYC or Paris and who deserved and wanted this experience—anywhere and everywhere

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Plus size fashion drawing workshop

Online Plus Size Fashion Sketching Online workshop

Let’s get to the point???

I don’t know why this hasn’t happened yet, but it’s happening NEXT WEEK!!!!


The Plus Size Fashion sketching workshop will run live on Zoom Tues, Wed and Thurs June 20-21-22 6:30 EST 1- 1 1/2 hours per night for a small group of women.

plus size fashion drawing workshop

  • online plus size fashion sketching livestream demonstrations with expert!
  • replays
  • q and a live
  • q and a in online group (not FB)
  • plus size fashion model drawing exercises and projects
  • beginner friendly, goes deep
  • private community
  • 4 WEEKS of access to replays and private community
  • limited time and space to really get you to dive in, take action, and see results in your development
  • explore techniques
  • find your style
  • various art supplies discussed, only paper and pencil required
  • accountability and community!
  • explore plus size model drawing AND design
  • celebrate women of all sizes and shapes!

the signup link is here

and you can ask me anything! Just comment below or send me questions at info@fashionillustrationtribe.com

As soon as you sign up for the course, you get instant access to a starter plus size fashion sketching online workshop video just to get you fired up, plus the gates open and you get RIGHT into the community area to meet each other and let me know your most pressing topics as early as TODAY.

I can’t wait to see you all and get to know you. Let’s nurture your skill and your vision so we can flood the interwebs with beautiful fashion images for body positivity and beauty!

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