UN-LEARNING to Learn to Draw

Of course you want to be able to learn to draw…

You want to learn to draw both realistically, and creatively, and freely. You want to use color, paint, create the same kind of beauty that you see and appreciate around you in nature, art, design around you in the world every day. It moves you, it touches you, it inspires you……….. why do you feel so “separate ” from it when it comes time to put pencil to paper?

So, ask yourself today:

How is Drawing like WRITING?
How is Drawing / Painting NOT LIKE writing???

I have some powerful thoughts on that topic in this video below.

This question comes up…. it’s such a powerful point that comes up again and again in my approach to learning,to creating,  my approach to teaching adults to learn to draw for fashion illustration and fashion design, to teaching children, and to approaching the child in each adult I meet.  I don’t aim to “teach” as much to “give the resources” and guide with utter encouragement and support.

Awareness of myths or early traumas can help us “UNDO” barriers to freedom in expression and development in the arts, both in music, art, and fashion and design!!!

NOT having this awareness of how to separate writing from art can BLOCK you from your own powerful ability and desire to express yourself both creatively and professionally. Don’t let that happen to you ANY MORE. You can learn to draw, and do much more!!!
At Fashion Illustration TRIBE I always keep these principles in mind when guiding/ facilitating/ mentoring or even “teaching”…..
Check it out here and find out:

  1. How I first learned about and developed this approach to learning and teaching adults and children at the Center for Music and Young children
  2. How the research totally changed the way I teach or rather, GUIDE, by creating experiences that the student OWNS for themselves.
  3. How our culture works against our success in arts and how you can turn it around with a shift in awareness.
  4. How I was COMPLETELY blown away by what I learned in design school (Parsons School of Design) even though the things I learned there are totally accessible to absolutely anyone. (It’s how you use it that counts!!!)
  5. How you can realized RIGHT NOW what you want  to un-learn and start to free your creativity!

And PLEASE comment below with your thoughts on the subject. I would LOVE to hear what you say?

Also check out the FREE videos on my Model Drawing Magic course page!- they-re really soulful, getting-into the experience of freeingup your drawing and your expression. I wouldn’t miss them!



Laura Volpintesta , fashion Illusration TRIBE, my four year old daughter's artistic expressions

By Angelina, age 2

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