Divine Feminine Art

Let’s redefine fashion and fashion illustration as divine feminine art.

In today’s post, you can see how this fashion illustration grew from the blank page to the finished piece. That, in itself, is an expression of the divine through creativity. I want you to notice how you feel as you watch the artwork emerge into its fullness and come to life. A tremendous part of the purpose of my work is to share the raw creation phase always, so that creation is deconstructed and demystified for everyone of you. Why would I want to expose all those bumps and wanderings? BECAUSE THAT’S ALL THE VALUE THERE IS, here, in my opintion. I want you to notice that the finished piece may not feel as beautiful, or rather, not feel MORE beautiful, than the images from various stages in its development. (Wow, isn’t THAT a metaphor for life, and for presence in the NOW. Isn’t that a Zen feeling?) I want those who view my work to feel like they got a real human experience. Do you know what I mean when I say that certain art makes you feel like you participated somehow, or that you could participate? For example, some music, art, dance, writing is so intellectual and uber-refined and finished and polished and produced that, in MY experience, it turns flat. Cold. Closed. Restricted. Contracted. Can you relate? This is my very personal experience and i’m sure that i’m not alone.

I love art that moves other to express themselves too.

Expression moves energy. By definition, it’s the opposite of repression, oppression, even depression. Healing is in expression. Expression is flow, is love, is life. To me, those are all expressions of the divine feminine. And so, whether it’s the Goddess on the page, the Goddess in you, or the surge of Inspiration that flowed throug you to create a fashion illustration, or create fashion garments or accessories, Or if it’s the Goddess you perceive when you see people and feel their strength and beauty and their light,

This is the divine power of the feminine in fashion art, or goddess art.

This is my journey, your journey, our journey, or maybe even this is just something we sit by and let happen through us and around us. It’s all good. I hope that my illustrations and sharings make you acutely aware that YOU have the tools and access to create ANYTHING YOU WANT And even more likely, things beyond your wildest dreams. The divine feminine has as many faces as do humans on the planet. You can explore your own story about people and art through fashion illustration of faces in my About Faces online course, and start as soon as RIGHT NOW!!

Use the coupon code DIVINEFEMININE

today at checkout to save 30 percent on my ABOUT FACES online course that takes you through the consistent structure and tools i use to feel FREE to create and express faces both on paper and on my iPad. It’s a 4 hour course that takes you through different angles of the face, head, hair and features, as well as a few IPad and Android apps that you can use to make your own discoveries for profession or pleasure. You can also access the coupon discount pre-applied if you click here May you feel the sacredness of all of your inspired expression. Divinely appreciating you, Laura

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