Drawing faces isn’t just “faces.” This is one of the reasons we have such a difficult time with it at first.
… Because drawing a face is actually drawing a HEAD, including the features, the hair, and the spirit of the woman (or man or child). FACES SAY SO MUCH !
Join me in a mindset chat, to discuss why we love fashion, why we want to go deeper, what we want to make and do, how to see ourselves in our creative and learning process, and more.
THEN join me for the tutorial…..how to build and draw a face/head/hair /features in the PROFILE angle..
Please share the video if you think it will help someone you know to draw faces in profile for fashion illustration and use these tips to express their love of humans, of beauty, style, and adornment through fashion and design!
! LIke, share, comment or subscribe if it helps you….. this also helps me!
Fashion — it isn’t a small thing to love fashion. It’s an all enompassing art.
It’s deep.
Fashion is a place where we explore our beliefs.. our fantasies, our realities. Functional or fantastical, the images we create are by us but they are also truly inspired.
Our creations come through us.
A fashion sketchbook is a journal, a treasure chest, and a place where we look inside ourselves to bring forward what we hold inside.
It’s an inner journey and a magical adventure of discovery through beauty and emotion, technique and skill, craft and creation”
These free masterclasses are sponsored by ABOUT FACES, a digital sketching course that originally taught the front, profile and 3/4 angles of the face, which has since grown to include MANY tutorials, projects, and processes to design and illustrate fashion using your ipad or digital tablet.
This is intended to get you rolling and building momentum and skill into a whole new world of imagination and creative expression. So many years of learning, testing, trial and error, and delightful discovery are packed into this unique program to give you EXPERIENTIAL and embodied experiences of learning .
Here’s the link for ABOUT FACES online digital fashion design and illustration immersion experience!