Shading and Shadows in your fashion illustration
in fashion illustration as well as in LIFE….What a beautiful metaphor.
You all know I’ve been enthusiastically teaching fashion illustration, design, and model drawing for over 20 years at Parsons School of Design Fashion department and now here in my private coaching programs and online courses.
SHADING HAS ALWAYS BEEN…… the most feared and avoided element of those new to fashion illustration and fashion drawing,..
and at the same time?
THE BIGGEST SAVIOR! Shading and shadows are the MAGICAL ELEMENT that adds movement, depth, dimension and ease t your fashion sketches.
Shading is something students and clients fear because they think the dark markings will ruin their sketches.
Ironically, using pale, shy shadows doesn’t have any effect. The drawing stays flat and “thin” with very little texture this way.
But when you get bold and dark with shading, it feels “destructive” and risky, but it actually adds ease and softness and “reality” to yoour fashion illustration!

it’s an amazing metaphor for life
and today’s video is about that.
It’s about that thing you are so afraid to do….
that feeling that you could make a horrible mistake and “ruin everything……” is a fear and a belief that holds you back
but so beautifully untrue!
My favorite thing about teaching fashion design and illustration is experiencing these transformational A-HA moments with you.
SOMETIMES you need to be eager and willing to “ruin the drawing”.
To be ” a terrible artist”. To make an “ugly sketch”.
to take something beautiful and destroy it.
Our perfectionist selves fear this like CRAZY!!!!
But oh my gosh!
When we “free fall” into that zone of “I don’t care” liberation, we find we are liften and enriched. That we CAN’T RUIN IT, and even if we could, we would still be okay!
Taking the risk would make our experience richer and give us gifts that ONLY THOSE WHO ADVENTURE OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE get to experience!
And that’s where your confidence and security come from , and your deep trust and the twinkle in your eye that creatives get when they learn to trust the Universe and the creative process and creative source within them!
I loved making this video and sharing this message with you.
If you feel called to take the plunge into your fashion studies, YEAR OF FASHION design COACHED is open and half price for ten more days….
let’s take this journey together!
