BODY LANGUAGE : Figure Drawing bootcamp

Body Language: Model Drawing

It’s back! My 5 week Live Figure Drawing/ Model Drawing Program  on Zoom, 

5 “Fashion Fridays” for learning model drawing (for costume, fashion, design, profession, pleasure or play).

  We start live 3/8/2024 meeting 6:30=8:30 online.

We’ll sketch from standing, posed, expressive figures for 5 weeks and I’ll share everything i have with Live Q and A, real time demonstrations, practice and exercises that open you up and stretch your expression and experience


Watch over my shoulder while I share the techniques and approaches that have made such a difference in my life and my students’ experiences over 20+ years teaching model drawing and fashion illustration at Parsons School of Design in NYC.


you’ll be invited to draw along  with me in real time (you’ll have access to the replay classes forever) and try out new tools, approaches and insights designed to loosen you up  in fashion drawing and bring you into a more raw, more honest, more playful, energetic, flowing and ALSO MORE PRECISE approach to drawing and sketching for fashion illustration and beyond.

fashion drawing/ model drawing/ figure drawing online course for fashion illustration

Let's explore together

  • FUN- joy and love for the model drawing  leads our energy as we dive in to the sweeping gestures of movement that build a “fashion ” figure, silhouette, or sketch..
  • Our basic art supplies and how to use them in not so basic ways for fashion drawing- let’s explore the edges of their range of expression- and our own! (recommended 14×17″ Sketch paper, oil pastel, soft woodless graphite/ 8B, round watercolor brush size 8, box gouache set or tube of vandyke brown or black gouache, brush tip marker like TOMBOW in beige and black.)
  • How to set up our work/play area for success: ergonomic and energetic ways to work WITH and not AGAINST our whole body so that drawing becomes an extension of the way we move in the world with freedom and natural flow. Fashion Illustration is about people in LIFE. We follow our instincts and body to make figure drawing more effortless and comfortable, so our subjects also look alive in their bodies.
  • The MECHANICS of the body resting on it’s feet for fashion drawing,  while capturing the kind of movement and balance that bring the figure to LIFE on the page with the natural grace inherent in it.
  • Proportional foundations that make building any body type approachable and beautiful Having an APPROACH that you use to structure your model drawing makes everything EASIER and consistent.
  • EDGES: how do hair, skin, and different fabric textures show up on the page to reflect the character of how they move and drape? How do we reflect the weight, material, and flow of contrasting edges through our line?
  • FORM: light and dark, to lift your drawing off of the page and layers and 3 dimensional space
  • MINDSET/ Journalling/ expansion: : what comes up for your when you draw? Inner critic voices? Inner child joy? Where do you “freeze up”? What role do you want your creativity to play in your life? What brings you here?  REALLY? What do you want, how do you want to feel, and how can we move towards that? Tuning in and turning these keys can change your life.
  • OUR PRIVATE COMMUNITY COURSE AREA is active for 5 weeks to share, ask, and receive resources, tips and nudges.
  • Lifetime replays access
fashion drawing/ model drawing/ figure drawing online course for fashion illustration
Click to view prices,testimonials, and learn more about the program. Also, a video to get you inspired.
Laura Volpintesta, founder, fashion Illustration tribe.
I'm Laura and I'll be your host, guide, confidante and support on your model drawing journey .
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