Fashion Art Supplies for Illustration and Design
Do you have what you need in your kit?
Sometimes we’re giving to others, sometimes to ourselves, but here are some of my forever favorite supplies for designing and illustrating.
All of the products are clickable links!
I’ve posted several times about supplies, but what can I say? You can’t illustrate without ’em!
Ever since I was a little girl, the smell of art supplies stores has sent me into a tizzy of joy and excitement.
My parents wouldn’t buy us anything if it wasn’t absolutely essential…. UNLESS IT WAS BOOKS OR ART SUPPLIES. They created a monster !:0)))
Don’t forget to share any posts or pages you are enjoying, and sign up for email blog updates (you get a free Step One beginner Fashion Masterclass with your subscription!!)–so you know when there is news and new goodies for you!
Caran d’ache Gouache studio dry pans : here’s the link. It’s $49 dollars here now. I love the selection of colors, portability, and quality.
the caran d’ache gouache studio pans are rich in color, come with a palette and tube of white.
Pelikan Gouache dry pans about $25.

$56 for ten colors.
and don’t forget my perennial favorite- TEMPERA CAKES! I know, they look cheap, I’m not kidding, I love these with a passion!
Affordable with an excellent texture and color offerings, You can even mix your skin tone out of this these colors:

Tempera cakes! 9 for 8 dollars, more or less. 9 color includes secondary colors. 6 color set is primary plus green.
PALETTE $.89!!
Utrecht sablette brushes are great for gouache and fashion illustration. Remember to never leave your brushes standing upside down in a cup of water for extended time: it ruins the tip!
one skinny little one (size 1 $2.50) , one medium one (:size 7 $4) , one flat tipped one (size 7 $7) for textural dry brush effects that I’ll teach you in myFashion Masterclass Series or Coached Package.


Woodless Graphite

#2 classic pencils are always good to have, and sharpeners, too!
Mechanical pencils are great, but I never recommend ANY kind of HB or H (hard) pencil, graphite, or lead. These types are hard to see AND leave a dent when you press on the paper. They are slightly water repellant too. They don’t give a range of expression that softer pencils do, so there is no drama with them.
This gets pricey, but even a small box is wonderful. I’ll post links to three set sizes at Utrecht.
small 24 (there is also a set of 12. this is also good!)
medium 48 ($56 at Utrecht)
large 72 ($82 at Utrecht at the time of this post)
THERE ARE LOTS OF SIZES of Prismacolor colored pencil packages! You can also purchase a-la-carte. Prismacolor pencils break rather easily, but their soft, rich color and texture are unique and fabulous. they also blend to create any color you need. I love them with all of my artist’s heart.
If you find yourself at Utrecht’s website, which features some but not all of the products on this list, you can always login to my PARSONS CLASS LIST and order from there, where everything is already selected, and delete the items you don’t want! Or go to and go to >class lists, then enter state: New York, then school PARSONS THE NEW SCHOOL FOR DESIGN, and my classes will show up under Laura VOLPINTESTA. There are two lists:ONLINE and ON CAMPUS. On Campus list uses larger paper sizes than the On Line list. The online list features smaller papers so that homework can be scanned. Larger papers will have to photographed instead.
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions and I hope you enjoy the list!
Ain’t nothing like the gift of CREATIVITY to yourself or others. Its the gift we were all born with if we give the tools and time to let it come forth.
Remember I also have lots of free blog tutorials where you can see these in action on my blog/vlog!
Also I offer premium courses available on this site, like my Soulful Fashion Foundation Immersion package for fashion illustration and design skills and techniques for creative and professional communication!
coming in the next gift post:
- SKETCH paper
MY BOOK which is coming out if FEBRUARY 2014!! Amazon preorder here!!!!.
LOVE YOU ALWAYS!! EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!!!!!! We need to know your thoughts!