ABOUT FACES digital fashion art Illustration online course with Laura Volpintesa, Fashion ILlustration TribeDIGITAL FASHION ART COURSE

click the image below to learn more about how to create freehand, original, vibrant digital fashion art using apps

ā€œABOUT FACESā€-  digital fashion art course teaches you all about faces: front, profile and 3/4 angle.

Iā€™ll teach you to draw features, eyes, hair, and head,ā€¦..

while ALSO teaching you some elegant, fun, imaginative and amazingly versatile APPS on your iPad or tablet to sketch them with!

I have always taught art and fashion sketching with gouache, watercolors, pencils, ink pensā€¦. and still do!

When and why did I begin teaching and making digital fashion art?

Exactly one year ago, though, I started exploring apps on my new iPad to see what they were capable of for drawing and illustration.

I was skeptical and resistant and found a LOT OF APPS I DIDNā€™T LIKE AT ALL!

And then, I had a breakthroughā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

I found one single app that seemed to open the doors for me. It felt rightā€“ and so

I FELL IN LOVE with them!

(and Iā€m still in love with ā€œold school art suppliesā€ too! We use them in my Signature SOULFUL FASHION Foundation I mersion  semester course.)

REASONS why I adore digital art apps on a tablet, iPad or device.

About FACE Online course- digital fashion art drawing appsRegister for ABOUT FACE today or click here to learn more.

Iā€™ll teach you my favorite apps plus some tools for watermarking your work as a bonus.

Youā€™ll learn all of my favorite design, color, and drawing tips for faces and getting a fashion feeling to express however you see it!

Iā€™ve been working with beginner to advanced students for 20 years at Parsons School of Design. Trust me.

Letā€™s explore, grow, and master these apps in the spirit of fun and expression!

All of these images are mine, created on iPad from photos and/ or from my imagination. digital fashion art ABOUT FACES ONLINE COURSE Laura Volpintesta

Hi Iā€™m Laura Volpintesta!- a 20 years freelance fashion designer/ illustrator and Parsons Fashion Faculty in NYC and online.

  Iā€™m also the Author of the Language of Fashion Design: 26 Principles Fashion Designers Should Know and co-author of the Fashion Design Reference and Specification Manual.   Iā€™m a Craftsy instructor (see my Designing with Fashion Flats class) , body positive and ethical fashion advocate, encourager, motivator, ā€œcheerleaderā€, teacher! And a single mom-preneur.

Letā€™s find and bring out your voice and your skills in art and fashion!

ABOUT FACES digital fashion art Illustration online course with Laura Volpintesta, Fashion ILlustration Tribe


The face, head, hair and featuresā€¦.

Deserve some time and attention just for themselves!

They carry so much expression and have a lot of building blocks.

  • nose
  • eyes
  • ears
  • mouth
  • hair
  • shading
  • line
  • lashes
  • highlights
  • textures
  • contours

Letā€™s use  the face as a vehicle to also explore some great simple yet elegant, w o n d e r f u l digital fashion art apps that you can use right in your iPad or iPad mini. Theyā€™re cheap, elegant and versatile and I used them to create the images you see on this page.

I canā€™t wait to guide you through four weeks of videos exercises, lessons and projects that will  tap you into your creative expression and give you valuable experience and insights.

Signup now

Receive 4 modules, each with an hour of video, demonstrations, and exercises- your signup gives you lifetime access to your course materials!

I look forward to meeting you!

questions? info@fashionillustrationtribe.com



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