Fabric and Inspiration Creative Process for Fashion Sketching

Fabric and inspiration are absolutely integral to the fashion designer’s creative process.
I usually ALWAYS sketch with fabric IN MY HANDS.
Maybe not all agree, but those of you who go around with me in these circles can usually relate to my approach to the creative process…
Fashion is physical, creativity is very physical, among other things.
We don’t do our best work with out heads and our fingers, there is so much more to us!
We have a whole body that wants to move, feel, experiment,explore, create, adorn,
dance, play……!?
And that starts wtih fabric and inspiration. What will she wear, and why?
What story does it tell, and how does it function?

So in today’s video i focus on two points for creative process for fashion sketching.
- Fabric and insprations and intentions have a “magnetic” effect. Choose one fabric, one inspiration, one garment piece or one photo, and it will start to literally pull others into it and around it. It’s like magic and that’s the kind of experience we want to engage with. We want to dance with creation when we make and design fashion art or fashion sketches. (Or absolutely anything else we create in our lives!)
- PHYSICAL invites the fabric and inspiration. Your body can associate sitting at desks and doing assignments with forced duties. Getting into a new position or approach can open up your right-brain and creative flow. Dumping all of your fabric swatches and inspirations around you on the floor like you would when you were a kid, and making piles and arrangements and taping, cutting, feeling, grouping, imagining… is not only relaxing and healthy but actually makes you very open to new ideas, approaches, angles and perspectives. PUT YOURSELF into a creative and informal position that breaks you out of a feeling of restriction
- PLAY YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC this ALWAYS enhances a flow state too.

At the end of the video, I pull an inspiring oracle card from the StarSeeds deck just to keep our fashion sketching studies soul-centered and remind us what it’s all about with a spiritual and energetic message to support our creative process.

The mesage here is about surrender.
I hope this serves you, remember there are free gifts for subscribers and also on the homepage, I ‘ve curated a series of videos and resources to help and inspire you in your fashion design and fashion sketching studies.

enrollment is closing soon for the YEAR OF FASHION Soulful Fashion Design Coached program July 2020-July 2021. You can get that information here.
I love you!