Pooja Shroff dress, fashion illustration by Laura Volpintesta on ipad with Adobe Fresco app.

Fashion Model Sketching Session

Fashion Sketching Sessions

Fashion Sketching sessions with timed, live model sessions were my absolute favorite part of fashion school.

Not only did figure drawing / model drawing sessions in real-time, community, social, educational settings revv up my engine and remind me why i loved fashion so much, but the energy of LIVENESS and limited-time poses always brought out the most surprising results!

For several years now, i’ve been so excited to take the fashion model sketching courses I loved teaching on campus at Parsons and run my 0wn sessions from home, online on zoom, with students and fashion artists all over the world diving into what we love most!

I used Adobe Fresco for the session images you are seeing today. Because fashion sketching poses are timed 1-15 minutes per sketch in Fashion Sketch Group, there is a simplicity and raw energy and focus that comes through.

I don’t always bring my ipad for fashion illustration, the whole point of Fashion Sketch Group is to bring WHATEVER ART SUPPLIES YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH during the session and let your intuition lead the way.

Yes, you can ask questions and share your sketches with the goup, OR

 You can simply turn off your video and journey into your inner world of fashion sketching and figure drawing bliss.

If you’re completely new to model sketching, figure drawing, or fashion illustration… THERE ARE NO PREREQUISITES because our honest enthusiasm and natural voice is the most beautiful fashion there is, if you ask me.

If you don’t know where to begin grappling with figure drawing or fashion illustration or even DRAWING IN GENERAL,…

MODEL DRAWING MAGIC is a course I created precisely to fill this gap and share with you in an incremental method the figure sketching  exercises and tools I’ve been guiding fashion design students through successfully and effectively for decades!

When I finally started to learn how to draw, I felt incredibly happy and free. I had a new language to express myself, a language that felt raw, yet precise, magical, expressive , even explosive at times-and dynamic.

Figure sketching became not only a professional skill for my career and livelihood, but also became one of my truest loves and “happy places” that i can always go to to tap into the wonder of being alive.

Yes, all of these fashion illustrations came from a single session! And all in 15 minutes or left, while grooving to fabulous jazz and brazilian music. 

The illustration above I sketced from a dress of a former Parsons student from over a decade ago, the amazing Pooja Shroff, featuring pleated ruffles, large grommets and ribbons on a classic-shirt based tunic in fresh, happy colored cotton.  

Using Adobe Fresco app, (which I love to teach and include in my digital sketching course ABOUT FACES— I chose a pencil tool, a colored pencil, and a watercolor tool on my ipad.  Notice how i set a horizon line and background/ compositional elements behind the fashion model centered on the page.

Every fashion figure sketching session begins with standing, posed figures. This is how we reconnect with the basics and GET WARMED UP!

We learn  how to balance them on their feet so they don’t feel like they are tipping over or look rigid or scared.

We learn to draw with our whole body and feel the music that brings us into a state of flow, enthusiasm, and physical energy that literally breathes life into our sketches.

The fashion illustration above using Adobe Fresco app- is also featuring fashion design by Pooja Shroff and is zoomed in so i could focus on closer fashion design details. I used a pencil for everything, with a few key colors.

The beauty of online fashion figure sketching sessions (as well as MODEL DRAWING MAGIC COURSE) is that there is vital energy in working in real time.

Knowing that the fashion model will disappear after the bell rings allows you to give it your all, and then let it go and tackle the next one in a spirit of play and openness to “see what comes through”

A more structured program like MDM also provides specific tools and exercises to bring you “into the game” of fashion sketching by understanding the body in specific new ways and practice seeing, every week, with  new eyes through specifically targeted fashion illustration exercises.

Cutout collage and watercolor effects on Tayasui Sketches app

The invitation to figure sketching and fashion sketching

Fashion and Costume Sketching on iPad (VIDEO TIMELAPSE)

My invitation is always to find your way to crisp clear refinement through divine mess, exploration, experimentation, technique –and  feedback when you ask for it, reminders to keep your eyes always opening to what you might not have ever looked for before….

as you pave and drive down the road to your own individual approach to figure sketching and fashion illustration to tell the unique yet universal story that is you.

It is my firm belief that drawing is an essential professional skill as well as creative tool as well as PURE JOY ART FORM to have and share in your life.

Have you engaged in figure sketching , model drawing, or fashion illustration before?

Visit the sales pages for either MODEL DRAWING MAGIC or FASHION SKETCH GROUP and try out the free tutorials on those pages.
And You’re on your way!

How does it feel?

Remember when you subscribe here on the website you ‘ll get a model drawing tutorial video that lays the groundwork for building and sketching figures for any body type and size in a fluid and 3-d way.

I know you’ll love it.

Let me know!


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