You love fashion, you want to create beautiful images and art, and “YOU CAN’T DRAW”, especially FIGURE DRAWING. You’re terrified.
but, dear love, you haven’t had a chance!
You haven’t had the support, you haven’t had any guidance or personal space to really unfold this way.
It doesn’t seem fair!
You recognize the beauty and harmony and flow of figures, fashion, costume, poses and expressions.–
you feel it, it lives and breathes inside you and it feels like an accident that you can’t access it to make your own creations.

But you can learn to be fluent in drawing the fashion figure
You just need to start where you’re at. WHERE YOU’RE AT IS ENOUGH.
You’re in good hands!
I was someone who doodled shapes her whole life and I
“couldn’t draw” things that I wanted to, like realistic things or anything.
(read on, or check out this video to learn more about why you struggle with drawing and how you can make new strides and finally draw in a new way to increase your confidence and experience! I ll show some specific examples and concepts)
You’ll get a new figure drawing exercise each week.
Try each one, using the videos I supply you with that are LOADED with (mostly) standing figure poses to immediately put your skills into practice.
I guarantee you will learn to see and draw in new ways and find yourself at a whole other level drawing figures.
You’ll be taken to RUZUKU, the secure site that hosts all of my courses and programs since we launched in2013.
You probably cringe when you look at your own drawings…. I KNOW THIS FEELING SO WELL…
Forget about learning to draw figures…. you may not even know how to DRAW at ALL, and that’s fine!!!
The human body can seem overwhelming/ daunting to draw because there are so many moving parts.
Being hard on yourself is probably the biggest obstacle to, but I’m pretty great at dispelling that energy.
But you never GOT A CHANCE to crush through the wall to getting your voice outside of your head and onto paper.
YOU CAN CREATE BEAUTY and beautiful Figure drawings!
You’ve been feeling hopelessly stuck about this, but
There’s hope:
1) the human figure is one of the single most inspiring and beautiful expressive things you can possibly draw
2) the tremendous amount of inspiration fuels your desire to progress and get real results
3) once you have gotten a handle on the human form, you’ll be able to draw ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING with more ease and accuracy!
4) through learning figure drawing, you are really learning all drawing
5)you’ll learn how fashion artists and designers see their art supplies and processes, which is probably different than you’ve been seeing it
6) you’ll change the way you see yourself in relation to art and design
7) you’ll change your beliefs about how art is made
8) you’ll get new insights and exercises EVERY SINGLE WEEK
And fashion figure drawing is about feeling, style and skill, it is NOT about distorting the body to have extra-long-everything.
It’s about line, proportion, dynamics, composition, form, shadow, texture, light, feeling, movement, ideas, structure, angles, curves………
Are those words even frightening?
I’m saying that because I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!
So join us for bite sized exercises— two weeks of emails to become EXPERIENCED
To make your discoveries
And shine.
***THIS COURSE will focus on figure drawing leotard models and drawing exercises, not focusing on details in the clothing***

I think getting to know the figure well first is crucial and transformative.
I want to help you! I adore this!
I’ve been teaching for 20 years and I KNOW you have this in you.
Q: what’s the format?
Sign up in the Ruzuku platform. Each day you’ll get an email notice so you can link right in to the new daily video exercise, beginning on September 20 (the day after my BIRTHDAY!)
Q: Do I need any supplies?
A simple pencil and paper can take you through the course, but i will be using and recommending other tools you can add to your kit, as well (and links to find them) . Even if you don’t have them yet or never get them, you’ll get the IDEA by seeing them in action and you can still use your pencil to do every exercise.
Q: What’s the refund policy?
I don’t offer refunds, but nobody has ever asked me for one. You will be getting killer content from day one and far outweigh this investment. You’ll be learning top level art and design techniques for a lifetime of use, as well as taking bold strides that will deeply change the way you draw and approach art.
Start today!
YOUR skills, your journey, and your experience.
(model drawing video, croquis templates and design prompt workbook PDF)
Are you new to fashion drawing?
New to drawing altogether?
New to figure drawing or fashion drawing??
IT’S OKAY!!!! I’ve taught beginner to advanced portfolio fashion students for 20 years at Parsons in NYC>
This is a no-judgment, all joy zone….. I won’t water-down the model drawing techniques or the art tools and supplies that I use to create fashion drawings that jump off the page.
I won’t hold back in sharing my key tips, processes, and tools with you.
We’ll use some traditional art supplies and I”ll show you an art app too, for fun and portablility.
I can’t help myself but to urge you to share and develop and practice and try and ask, and to help each other along, all of us….
YOU are going to learn new tools, get resources, and have a new community for a while to connect and grow together.
YOU are going to experiment.
You are going to find a new voice inside of you , getting stronger.
We’ll get the figure drawing down as top-priority, but as in all of my classes, we will explore creative design too!!!!
I mean, why not?
I limited the time and the enrollment on this course so that YOU can get a quick, intense hit of development in your art.
I ‘m offering this so we can jump in and collectively
flood the interwebs
with self-loving fashion, model, and design explorations ….
‘Cause that’s what we do!
You don’t need fancy materials to partake.
You don’t need any special credential except an open mind and an open heart.
Let’s do this! Ask me anything. I’m Laura Volpintesta, founder of Fashion Illustration Tribe, and we are just getting started……
“Teaching isn’t just about skill, Laura. You make me so comfortable. I’ve never done this before, and I’m amazing myself!”- T. Roberts, Australia
no refunds
private course community
positive creative community
feedback and support from Laura
ANY QUESTIONS please email me, Laura Volpintesta, at