Sketching Fashion Figures,
or any figure, in profile, always seems to present unique challenges. The most common problem is that the figures become too thin when rotated into profile, and that we don’t understand what the anatomy is doing. I’m here to help you with that today.
There’s also a video in this post, to help you with sketching profile fashion figures, scroll down to view the demonstration.

practice, practice, practice- playfully- sketching the fashion figures from all angles! This can be the most joyful practice.

understanding body anatomy and mechanics (above) and practicing them helps us sketch with flowy ease (below)

live model drawing with brush pen- profile view- by Laura Volpintesta
We seem to have a “frontal” orientation to seeing things, as if they were two dimensional, like letters. But Figures have a wonderful 3dimensionality. One of the coolest things in a live model drawing class is having a circle of students around a standing model,drawing from every angle, constantly reminded of the number of views a garment or outfit can have.

Profile figure has a natural curve and flow following the spine and muscle tone naturally!

The mannequin or dress form rotates on its stand for the same reason…. the designer can constantly rotate and turn around what they are working out. A sculptor in clay works on a lazy susan or turntable so they can rotate their work constantly into different views to make sure they all……”jive”. (Love that word). Because if you are sculpting a figure (which a fashion designer is…) then you need to walk around the room to see each angle. EVERY ANGLE MATTERS in fashion, although many think of clothing as just a front and a back.

These illustrations are from my Swatches to Gouache online course– check it out! Several free lessons are on the sales page
So here is today’s YOUTUBE video. I hope it helps you clarify some of the overall landmarks and keys to creating a profile figure sketch.
Inevitably, in the early weeks of sketching fashion figures/ model drawing or even later on, the issue of the profile comes up. Why do they look STIFF? Why do they look like they are tipping over? Why is the body looking straight as a broomstick? It’s because we haven’t sat down and really mastered that profile by giving it the love and attention it needs to be understood and demystified- and that’s why I’m here to coach you!!

figure rotations in proportion- from front, side/profile and 3/4 angle…. we can build a body easily- this was a demonstration from a classroom session at Parsons.
Here are some of the key points that will help you un-do your frustration with sketching fashion figures in profile.
Turn up some nice tunes to draw to, and gift yourself to drawing as a therapeutic treat, like a pedicure or a massage. Get into the groove, and dance like nobody’s looking!!! …literally, and figuratively. That’s what we always do in Fashion Sketch Group!
Remember that your sketches can’t look relaxed and lovely if you aren’t feeling comfortable and unfettered while you work- so make it a priority to make your physical position and environment comfortable and ergonomic while you are fashion sketching (or costume sketching);
Don’t forget to subscribe, Fall is a perfect time to start up and move with a group of like minded fashion and art lovers and designers. Or, meet all year long by joining Fashion Sketch Group membership meeting 4 times per month!
Never hesitate to let me know if you have questions!

Love, Laura