Learning, Leading and Creating through Pleasure

Hello, creative souls!
.Know that:
I know it’s lovely to be humble when you learn something new,
Let’s look at the Role of Pleasure in Learning and Creativity
(learning is inherently humbling in a beautiful way as we open up in vulnerability to allow ourselves to integrate something that we feel is separate from us).
But if you know me long or have worked with me already as a student or coaching client., you know that I’m very sensitive to recognizing how my students talk to themselves.
It isn’t that hard to see–Believe it or not, you think you may be fuzzy or unclear about some things in your creative process or self-image, but nobody is.
I find that clients and students are VERY CLEAR: VERY VOCAL — in two ways.
IN BLATANT SELF -DOUBT, SELF CRITICISM AND CRITICISM, in declaring unsurpassable limits…
The things is, what we say and do isn’t always conscious.
I thought I was so smart
after 20 plus years teaching art and fashion design, with all my insights but these days I notice that-
the most powerful answers I have for my clients come out of their own mouths.
My job is to notice, to witness, and to help you hear your own fears, your own LIMITING LIES about yourself and your abilities, and your own DIVINE EMPOWERING TRUTH AND INTUITION!!!!
I have so much compassion for this journey- as it is my own!!
So many of us learned from a very young age to “suck it up”, to criticize ourselves, to please others, “no pain no gain”, and that suffering, sacrificing ourselves, and punishment were essential to what we call “EDUCATION ” or LEARNING”.
How beautiful is it to see that you have come to study ART or ENTREPRENEURSHIP with me-
you have SPECIFICALLY taken steps to enahance and deepen your SELF-EXPRESSION!
My job is to tune you deeply into yourself through conversations, tutorials and an atomosphere of fun, flow, fashion, of hope and encouragement…
You do not come here to be dictated to or conform to my rules or anyone elses.
You come to have experiences that deepen your self-knowledge, your tool -kit, your confidence, your self-trust,
to deepen your trust of your gut, your emotion, your pleasure, instinct, desire and curiosity….
and to harness the powerful energy source that is your KNOWING….
Rather than fight against raging self-doubt that constricts you so much that concepts and new experiences have a hard time seeping in.
I’m super-excited to open this conversation with you!.
Watch on YouTube: Learning and Leading with Pleasure in Art ,Education and Creativity
What did you think? Does this topic trigger or soothe you?
Do you feel inspired? Empowered? Confused? Sad?
What did today’s content bring up for you today…. I find these kinds of topics are excellent for journalling…
and to me, Journalling is a conversation we have with ourselves. It’s taking the time to realllllly sit down with the most intimate and fascinating person we know–
our Self–
and get curious and really LISTEN. Un-edited, and without judgment.
I Would LOVE to hear from you!
Leave a comment below the video and let me know your insights.
I read them all!
Wishing you creative, loving self acceptance and beauty, every day,
ps Model Magic is all about this and enrollment closes in a week! come join us in the journey of discovery!