Fashion Figure Drawing – LIVE!

So, here’s what happened on today. I created a fashion figure drawing from scratch, working from an image that I liked, then added in the fashion details so that it looked real and gave clear construction and design information, because I love to do that :0).
I took an image from my African Prints board on Pinterest (@fashntribalista is me on Pinterest) Follow now if you like! I have boards dedicated to fashion illustrators, fashion figures, prints and patterns, and construction details. It’s a treasure trove that I refer to often in my fashion design teaching!
We started with the blank page, sketched with WOODLESS GRAPHITE in a 6B softness, then went in and captured contours and design details. Then we smudged and added shadows too.
I also used Inktense Blocks watercolor, Winsor and Newton Designer Gouache in white, and Canson Drawing Paper .
DON”T FORGET THAT my ONLINE PROGRAM Soulful Fashion Foundation Immersion o has a supply kit that you can order for fashion illustration all in one-stop: it’s about $150USD for the whole basic kit!!! Study with me online on your own schedule and realize how much you can do when you have the tools and encouragement!!!!! Fashion art is exhilarating. Design is a passion.
There are two videos below because in the second video, you’ll see me adding watercolor to the image.
I didn’t render the print yet….I was waiting for the paint to dry, but here we are so far.
The video angle changes sometimes during the video, but I”m sharing it here anyway because I was thinking….how often when I teach my illustration classes at Parsons in NYC,my students are standing all around and viewing from various angles. So you are getting the university experience!!! :0)
I prefer that you can see what I see from my viewpoint, but at least you can see what I’m doing and watch the process and the illustration unfold!
Here are links, but the videos are embedded below. Remember, there are two videos!.
I adore watching someone sketch live.
I hope you enjoy the “class”! It’s playful! I have great Afro-Brazilian music from Bahia playing in the background for a fun Sunday afternoon vibe. Carlinhos Brown, and Timbalada.
Key points from this video: pay attention to the LINE QUALITY!!! Fashion Figure Drawing and Fashion Design Sketching CRAVE line quality. It adds depth, form, variety, and helps prioritize details for the viewer. Line quality keeps your sketch from looking “flat”, and it much more like the way WE SEE…so it looks more natural, dynamic, realistic. It adds contrast, and also can be a great substitute for shading! A thick black line can be like a crisp, dark, deep shadow that adds POP to your drawing. Notice int he image above!
I’m so happy I reached 3oo, ooo hearts on Periscope! Thank you all so much for your support.

Please share this article with your friends and followers if you find it valuable. I love to hear from you so share your comments and questions in the comments below!!!!

Sign up here now for the 15 week Online Self- Paced Self Study! There are different fashion courses, bundles and programs linked in the courses tab in my website header that you can browse and choose your next steps from free workshops to intensives.
Love you!