Fashion Portfolio Elements


Hello Gorgeous Visionaries!

A crop of new videos up on my YouTube channel:

Informational and inspirational, I thought this week’s topics (fabric, paintbrush, message) might be really helpful for you if you are considering fashion design schools or courses for your design portfolio. I’ll release two a day until they’re all up.

I hope you’ll enjoy them, share them, subscribe (you’ll get a free lesson with that), and ABOVE ALL, let me know what you would like to see here!!!

The videos below will help you connect with quality materials to create your fashion portfolio illustrations and croquis books.  My courses and coaching are ALL ABOUT THAT. The tactile joy , art , and technique of creating models, figures, designs and collections for a fashion portfolio with great materials and loads of encouragement and techniques.  Diverse style and beauty for a sustainable, bright fashion future.  #1 FABRIC:swatches

3 great resources to get you fluent in textiles.  Great for students in my swimwear workshop too.

You can also view the free patternmaking and draping tutorials on the sales page for that program too!

Here is a great article about my favorite paint colors, and another about art supplies in general for fashion.

#2 ART SUPPLIES:paintbrush

This is the one and only brush you REALLY need. Everything else is just extra.

Stay tuned for more “fashion design portfolio essentials” videos coming up this week.

Subscribe so you don’t miss a thing, and share if you feel moved to share!

Aside from supplies, you need your message too. (Don’t worry, you already have one whether you know it or not. I’d love to meet with you by Skype and help you understand yours.  It’s so important that our work stays in line with our hearts.   That’s what a sustainable future for fashion design is founded on!

#3 MESSAGE: why do you do it? :0)

How does your work serve… what makes it truly beautiful? Who does it speak to? How does it touch them and yourself?

7 weeks to illustrating your own design collection in SWATCHES TO GOUACHE This course offers forever access and weekly video lessons and assignments to get you totally on your way. I can’t wait to work with you!  Sign up now, it’s easy! Get to work and see what’s inside of you by bringing it out!

Learn more about PORTFOLIOS throught LAYOUT

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